VOYAGE Real Estate

Into The Voyage Issue 10 Volume 24

Weekend: Oscars Nominee Programs

As the excitement builds for the 96th Oscars, the Oscars Nominee Program presents a unique opportunity for film enthusiasts and industry insiders alike. This series of events, including screenings of Academy Award-nominated shorts and insightful panels with nominated filmmakers, offers a behind-the-scenes look at the year’s most celebrated films. Attendees will have the chance to hear directly from the nominees about their creative journeys, challenges, and the stories behind their acclaimed works. Set in a relaxed and intimate environment, these programs not only celebrate cinematic achievements but also foster a sense of

community among creators and audiences. Whether you’re a film buff or an aspiring filmmaker, this is a rare opportunity to engage with the minds behind some of the most compelling stories told on screen this year.

For more information and to reserve your spot, visit:

Directions: The events are hosted at various locations as part of the Oscars Season Nominee Programs in Los Angeles. Check the Academy Museum’s website for specific venues and directions to plan your visit accordingly.

Music: Tears for Fears – “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”

This week’s spotlight shines on the timeless classic “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears for Fears. Released in 1985 as part of their second album, “Songs from the Big Chair,” this track quickly ascended the charts to become a defining anthem of the decade. Its compelling blend of synthesizers, guitar, and thoughtful lyrics captures the spirit of an era while conveying a message about the human condition that remains relevant today. The song’s catchy melody belies a deeper commentary on power, freedom, and the complexities of ambition, making it a multifaceted piece that resonates with listeners across generations. Tears for Fears crafted a masterpiece that not only defined their career but also left an indelible mark on the music landscape, reminding us of the power of song to reflect and shape our understanding of the world.

Art: RETROaction: Part Two

‘RETROaction: Part Two’ at Hauser & Wirth revisits the pivotal early ’90s through the works of Charles Gaines, Lorna Simpson, and Gary Simmons, linking back to the influential ‘The Theater of Refusal: Black Art and Mainstream Criticism.’ This exhibition, co-curated by Ellen Tani and Gaines, not only reflects on the past but also introduces ‘Black Art and Reconstitution,’ featuring ten artists who explore abstraction and materiality. It’s a thought-provoking showcase that examines the evolution of black art and its dialogue with mainstream criticism, offering a rich exploration of identity, form, and cultural commentary.

For more details and visiting information, visit:

Directions: Hauser & Wirth is located in the heart of Los Angeles’ Arts District. For exact directions from your location, it’s best to consult a map or navigation app. The gallery’s website may also provide guidance on parking and public transportation options.

Food: Amour

Amour, nestled in the vibrant West Hollywood, is a culinary treasure that masterfully combines French elegance with California’s bounty. This restaurant offers an immersive dining experience, where each dish is a celebration of flavors and craftsmanship. The ambiance, with its soft lighting and plush seating, perfectly complements the exquisite menu, making every meal at Amour a memorable occasion. Whether you’re there for a romantic dinner or a special gathering, Amour promises an unparalleled gastronomic journey.

Discover the menu and make reservations at:

Directions: Amour is located in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. For the best route, use a GPS navigation system or consult the restaurant’s website for specific directions from your starting point, including parking information.

Travel: Haarlem

Just a short journey from Amsterdam, Haarlem offers a serene escape into Dutch history and culture. This charming city is adorned with cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and serene canals, making it a picturesque destination for travelers. Highlights include the majestic St. Bavokerk and the Teylers Museum, offering insights into the rich heritage and artistic legacy of the Netherlands. Haarlem’s cozy cafes, boutique shops, and lush parks add to its allure, making it a must-visit for anyone exploring the Netherlands.

Learn more about what to see and do in Haarlem at:

Directions: Haarlem is easily accessible by train from Amsterdam’s Central Station, with a journey time of about 15 to 20 minutes. Upon arrival, the city center is a short walk from Haarlem’s train station. For more detailed travel directions, including the best routes and transportation options, consult a travel guide or map service.

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